The One Truth Behind all Social Media Trends

It’s not that marketing has become a conversation more than a pitch, or that companies no longer control their brand message, or that customers trust peers more than manufacturers. All of that is true. But there’s something more fundamental.

Social Media isn't hammer

If You Hate Social Media, You’re Doing it Wrong

social media toolsThere’s been a stream of negative posts about social media in B2B circles lately—a marketer’s lament that social isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It sucks your time. It doesn’t deliver results. Everyone is so fake. In fact, social media is anti-social, replacing real friendships with artificial ones. Let’s all cancel our Facebook accounts and stop? this? life-sucking abomination, as if the loom might be broken.

Read moreIf You Hate Social Media, You’re Doing it Wrong

Socializing the Marketing Channel

Socializing the Marketing Channel

When we say “Socializing the Channel” we mean a deliberate process of elevating your channel marketing approach from managing many 1-to-1 relationships between you and your partners to managing a digital community in which you and your partners are all contributing members.

Stop Talking About "Social"!

Stop Talking About “Social”!

I was talking to a prospect recently about an innovative social media program we’ve been delivering with great success for one of our clients.”That’ll never fly here,” he said, without even getting past the opening line. Why? “The VP who controls the budget is tired of hearing about ‘social’. Can … Read more