
Is it Time to Take Another Look at Google+?

google+LinkedIn has owned the spotlight for business-oriented social media for a long time. Twitter can be leveraged as a continuing news feed and to engage with thought leaders. Facebook is a great platform to showcase a company’s culture, engage existing customers and advertise products. But LinkedIn is considered the crème de la crème of professional networking, helping professionals craft meaningful business relationships and share content that resonates with prospects. Does anyone even use Google+?

Yes, Google+ is still a relevant platform, and it may become a lot more relevant as frustration grows with LinkedIn noise and increasing spam.

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Are Your Lead Generation Tactics Toxic

Are Your Lead Generation Tactics Toxic?

Lead gen consumes billions of dollars in marketing budgets, including technology and human capital. And yet, a typical campaign can ring up a 99% failure rate and still be called a success. Many companies don’t even act on 95% of the leads they do generate.

Solution for Agile Social Marketing

The Four Percent Solution for Agile Social Marketing

With technology selection, just adopt this simple truth: You are going to fail. So get it over with as quickly and cheaply as you can. The more time you spend planning some monumental RFP for an overarching social marketing platform, the more costly and crushing your failure will be.